Friday, January 27, 2012

Is Phiblin the answer??

 First of all, Hi everybody. I've been gone for a while, but now i'm back. My wife had a our first boy, Isaiah, who is doing great and looking real healthy. I know for us Miami Dolphin fans, this sounds way to familiar. new coaches promising so many things, and fans getting excited just thinking about what could be. A lot of people have been saying that they would have loved Fisher instead. Are you sure about that?. 16 years as  head coach and what did they win? I think he's a good coach, but not someone who Dolphins should have over paid just for his name. I really think the Dolphins( especially Dolphins GM Jeff Ireland) finally did something right. We know that he doesn't have head coaching experience, but we do know he was the brain behind all those years at Green Bay when all they do is score points. And especially right now, for Dolphans, we NEED some offense to remind us of the old days of Dan the Man. So who knows what he really have in Coach Phiblin. Whats the worst that can happen? New Coach?  Nothing Dolphans are not used to.